Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another SWEET Albertsons Doubler Deal! {Can You Say Money Maker :) }

I think everybody is loving Albertsons new coupon policy!  In case you missed this, check out this MONEY MAKER of a deal scoped out by Frugal Chic Living!

Buy 3 Kikkoman Soy Sauce @ $1.19 each
- $1.00/1 Printable coupon from Facebook x 3
- $1.00/1 Albertsons Doublers x 3
= $2.43 in the blessed Overage!  Remember, Albertsons won't give you the money back (like Walmart) but they will apply the overage to the rest of your transaction, so get a gallon of Milk...a package of Hamburger...something that an extra $2.43 toward would really help on!

Bonus...when you buy 3 Kikkoman products, you will get a $2.00 OYNO!  Even if you don't have the Doublers to spare, when you factor in the OYNO, it works out to 52¢ per bottle which is pretty darn decent :)

Thanks for sharing this awesome deal Frugal Chic Living!

1 comment:

  1. I went on Tuesday morning and the aisle was cleaned out. I was told they were completely out. My husband stopped there on the way home from work and (miraculously) there was more. I went...and all was gone again. I asked again and was told they were not out the first time, but now they were out for reals. :-P
